Monday 15 May 2017

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How to be safe from Ransomware?

Hello guys today I am going to tell you how to be safe from Ransomware malicious software which can block access to a computer system until ransom or in other words a sum of money is paid. WannaCry, also known as WanaCrypt0r 2.0, WannaCry and WCry, is a form of "ransomware".
Also read what Ransomeware is by clicking here.

Ways to keep yourself safe from Ransomware :-

1) Update your Windows - 

Several cyber security firms said WannaCry exploits a vulnerability in 
Microsoft and that Microsoft patched this in March. People don't always install updates and patches on their computers and so this means vulnerabilities can remain open a lot longer and make things easier for hackers to get in. Now you know why Microsoft keep sending "updates".

2) Back-up your data -
Users should regularly back up their data and ensure that security updates are installed on your computer as soon as they are released. Up-to-date backups make it possible to restore files without paying a ransom.

3) Malicious Emails -
Users should also look for malicious email messages that often masquerade as emails from companies or people you regularly interact with online. It's important to avoid clicking on links or opening attachments in those messages, since they could unleash malware. 

4) Software Downloads -
Users should only download Softwares from trusted websites only not from any website they see on Internet.

Stay Safe, Be Happy


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