Friday 17 July 2015

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How To Secure Your Email Account?

  •          Always configure a Secondary Email Address for the recovery purpose.

  •      Properly configure the Security Question and Answer in the Email Account.
  •         Do Not Open Emails from strangers.
  •        Do Not Use any other’s computer to check your Email.
  •         Take Care of the Phishing Links.
  •        Do not reveal your Passwords to your Friends or Mates

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How To Trace A Email?

§  Tracing an Email means locating the Original Sender and Getting to know the IP address of the network from which the Email was actually generated.
§  To get the information about the sender of the Email we first must know the structure of the Email.
§  As we all know the travelling of the Email. Each message has exactly one header, which is structured into fields.
§  Each field has a name and a value. Header of the Email contains all the valuable information about the path and the original sender of the Email .
§  For tracing an email Address You need to go to your email account and log into the email which you want to trace after that you have to find the header file of the email which is received by you.
§  You will get Source code of the email.

§  For Rediff mail-

  •   For Yahoo mail-

§  For Gmail-

§  Now see from bottom to top and the first IP address you find is the IP address of the sender.
§  Once you have the IP Address of the sender, go to the URL and Find the location of the IP Address.

§  And you are done we have traced the person.....

§  And from where he had sent the email.
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Thursday 16 July 2015

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Prevention against Phishing

  1. Read all the Email Carefully and Check if the Sender is Original
  2.  Watch the Link Carefully before Clicking
  3.  Always check the URL in the Browser before Signing IN to your Account
  4. Always Login to Your Accounts after opening the Trusted Websites, not by Clicking in any other Website or Email.  
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Phishing scams could be

Emails inviting you to join a Social Group, asking you to Login using your Username and Password. 

Email saying that Your Bank Account is locked and Sign in to Your Account to Unlock IT. 

Emails containing some Information of your Interest and asking you to Login to Your Account. 

Any Email carrying a Link to Click and asking you to Login.   
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What is Phishing?

The act of sending an Email to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft. 

The Email directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has. The Web site, however, is Bogus and set up only to steal the User’s information.
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What is Email Spoofing?

Email spoofing is the forgery of an Email header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spam often use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open, and possibly even respond to, their solicitations. Spoofing can be used legitimately. 

There are so many ways to send the Fake Emails even without knowing the password of the Email ID. The Internet is so vulnerable that you can use anybody's Email ID to send a threatening Email to any official personnel.
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Steps Performed By Hackers

1) Reconnaissance
2) Scanning
3) Gaining Access
4) Maintaining Access
5) Clearing Tracks


• Performing Reconnaissance 
• Scanning and Enumeration 
• Gaining access 
• Maintaining access and Placing Backdoors 
• Covering tracks or Clearing Logs 

Phase I: Reconnaissance 

Reconnaissance can be described as the pre-attack phase and is a systematic attempt to locate, gather, identify, and record information about the target. The Hacker seeks to find out as much information as possible about the target. 

Phase II: Scanning and Enumeration 

Scanning and enumeration is considered the second pre-attack phase. This phase involves taking the information discovered during reconnaissance and using it to examine the network. Scanning involves steps such as intelligent system port scanning which is used to determine open ports and vulnerable services. In this stage the attacker can use different automated tools to discover system vulnerabilities.
 Phase III: Gaining Access 

This is the phase where the real hacking takes place. Vulnerabilities discovered during the reconnaissance and scanning phase are now exploited to gain access. The method of connection the Hacker uses for an exploit can be a local area network, local access to a PC, the Internet, or offline. Gaining access is known in the Hacker world as owning the system. During a real security breach it would be this stage where the Hacker can utilize simple techniques to cause irreparable damage to the target system.  
Phase IV: Maintaining Access and Placing Backdoors  

Once a Hacker has gained access, they want to keep that access for future exploitation and attacks. Sometimes, Hackers harden the system from other Hackers or security personnel by securing their exclusive access with Backdoors, Root kits, and Trojans. 
The attacker can use automated scripts and automated tools for hiding attack evidence and also to create backdoors for further attack. 

Phase V: Clearing Tracks 

In this phase, once Hackers have been able to gain and maintain access, they cover their tracks to avoid detection by security personnel, to continue to use the owned system, to remove evidence of hacking, or to avoid legal action. At present, many successful security breaches are made but never detected. This includes cases where firewalls and vigilant log checking were in place.
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Why Hackers Hack?

·       The main reason why Hackers hack is because they can hack. Hacking is a casual hobby for some Hackers — they just hack to see what they can hack and what they can’t hack, usually by testing their own systems. Many Hackers are the guys who get kicked out of corporate and government IT and security organizations. They try to bring down the status of the organization by attacking or stealing information. 

·       The knowledge that malicious Hackers gain and the ego that comes with that knowledge is like an addiction. Some Hackers want to make your life miserable, and others simply want to be famous. Some common motives of malicious Hackers are revenge, curiosity, boredom, challenge, theft for financial gain, blackmail, extortion, and corporate work pressure. 

·       Many Hackers say they do not hack to harm or profit through their bad activities, which helps them justify their work. They often do not look for money full of pocket. Just proving a point is often a good enough reward for them.  
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Types Of Hackers

Let’s see the categories of Hackers on the basis on their knowledge.


The Real Hackers are the Coders, the ones who revise the methods and create tools that are available in the market. Coders can find security holes and weaknesses in software to create their own exploits. These Hackers can use those exploits to develop fully patched and secure systems.  

Coders are the programmers who have the ability to find the unique vulnerability in existing software and to create working exploit codes. These are the individuals with a deep understanding of the OSI Layer Model and TCP/IP Stacks.

Admins are the computer guys who use the tools and exploits prepared by the coders. They do not develop their own techniques, however they uses the tricks which are already prepared by the coders. They are generally System Administration, or Computer Network Controller. Most of the Hackers and security person in this digital world come under this category. 

Admins have experience with several operating systems, and know how to exploit several existing vulnerabilities. A majority of Security Consultants fall in this group and work as a part of Security Team. 

 Script Kiddies 

Next and the most dangerous class of Hackers is Script kiddies, They are the new generation of users of computer who take advantage of the Hacker tools and documentation available for free on the Internet but don’t have any knowledge of what’s going on behind the scenes. They know just enough to cause you headaches but typically are very sloppy in their actions, leaving all sorts of digital fingerprints behind. Even though these guys are the teenage Hackers that you hear about in the news media, they need minimum skills to carry out their attacks. 

Script Kiddies are the bunnies who use script and programs developed by others to attack computer systems and Networks. They get the least respect but are most annoying and dangerous and can cause big problems without actually knowing what they are doing.     

Types of Hackers on the basis of activities performed by them.
White Hat Hacker
A White Hat Hacker is computer guy who perform Ethical Hacking. These are usually security professionals with knowledge of hacking and the Hacker toolset and who use this knowledge to locate security weaknesses and implement counter measures in the resources. 

They are also known as an Ethical Hacker or a Penetration Tester. They focus on Securing and Protecting IT Systems.  

 Black Hat Hacker 

A Black Hat Hacker is computer guy who performs Unethical Hacking. These are the Criminal Hackers or Crackers who use their skills and knowledge for illegal or malicious purposes. They break into or otherwise violate the system integrity of remote machines, with malicious intent. 

These are also known as an Unethical Hacker or a Security Cracker. They focus on Security Cracking and Data stealing. 

 Grey Hat Hacker 

A Grey Hat Hacker is a Computer guy who sometimes acts legally, sometimes in good will, and sometimes not. They usually do not hack for personal gain or have malicious intentions, but may or may not occasionally commit crimes during the course of their technological exploits. 

They are hybrid between White Hat and Black Hat Hackers.  

Ethical Hacking 
Ethical Hacking is testing the resources for a good cause and for the betterment of technology. Technically Ethical Hacking means penetration testing which is focused on Securing and Protecting IT Systems. 


Another type of Hackers are Hacktivists, who try to broadcast political or social messages through their work. A Hacktivist wants to raise public awareness of an issue. Examples of hacktivism are the Web sites that were defaced with the Jihad messages in the name of Terrorism.

Cyber Terrorist                

There are Hackers who are called Cyber Terrorists, who attack government computers or public utility infrastructures, such as power stations and air-traffic-control towers. They crash critical systems or steal classified government information. While in a conflict with enemy countries some government start Cyber war via Internet.    
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Difference Between Hacker and Cracker.

What Is the Difference Between a Hacker and a Cracker?

Many articles have been written about the difference between Hackers and crackers, which attempt to correct public misconceptions about hacking. For many years, media has applied the word Hacker when it really means Cracker. So the public now believe that a Hacker is someone who breaks into computer systems and steal confidential data. This is very untrue and is an insult to some of our most talented Hackers.

 There are various points to determine the difference between Hackers and crackers

·       Definition - A Hacker is a person who is interested in the working of any computer Operating system. Most often, Hackers are programmers. Hackers obtain advanced knowledge of operating systems and programming languages. They may know various security holes within systems and the reasons for such holes. Hackers constantly seek further knowledge, share what they have discovered, and they never have intentions about damaging or stealing data. 

·       Definition - A Cracker is a person who breaks into other people systems, with malicious intentions. Crackers gain unauthorized access, destroy important data, stop services provided by the server, or basically cause problems for their targets. Crackers can easily be identified because their actions are malicious. 

Whatever the case, most people give Hacker a negative outline. Many malicious Hackers are electronic thieves. Just like anyone can become a thief, or a robber, anyone can become a Hacker, regardless of age, gender, or religion. Technical skills of Hackers vary from one to another. Some Hackers barely know how to surf the Internet, whereas others write software that other Hackers depend upon.  
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What is a Hacker?

·       Hacker is a word that has two meanings: 

·       Traditionally, a Hacker is someone who likes to play with Software or Electronic Systems. Hackers enjoy Exploring and Learning how Computer systems operate. They love discovering new ways to work electronically.
·       Recently, Hacker has taken on a new meaning — someone who maliciously breaks into systems for personal gain. Technically, these criminals are Crackers as Criminal Hackers. Crackers break into systems with malicious intentions. 

·       They do it for Personal gain, Fame, Profit and even Revenge. They Modify, Delete and Steal critical information, often making other people's life miserable. 

·       Hacking has a lot of meanings depending upon the person’s knowledge and his work intentions. Hacking is an Art as well as a Skill. Hacking is the knowledge by which one gets to achieve his Goals, anyhow, using his Skills and Power. 

·       Most people associate Hacking with breaking law, therefore calling all those guys who engage in hacking activities to be criminals. We agree that there are people out there who use hacking techniques to break the law, but hacking is not really about that. In fact, hacking is more about following the law and performing the steps within the limits.
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